●Network security is the protection of the underlying networkinginfrastructur (71) access, misuse, or theft. It involves creating a secureinfrastructure for device and applications to work in a (72) manner.
Network security combines multiple defenses at the edge and in thenetwork. Each network security layer implements(73)controls.Authorized users gain access to network resources. A(74) is a networdevice that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decideswhetherblock specific trffic based on a defined set of security rules. Avirtual (75)encrypts the connection from an endpoint to a network,often over the internet.remote-aceess VPN uses IPsee or Seeure Soekets Layer to aufhenticate thebetween device and network.
(71)A.unauthorized B.authorized C.normal D.frequent
(72)A.economical B.secure C.fair D.efficient
(73)A.computing B.tanstation C. policies D.simulations
(74)A.firewall B.router C.gateway D.switch
(75)A.public B.private C.personal D.political