
    作者:MARK_REAPER更新于: 2020-02-24 13:15:00


    web 和 Internet开发

    # encoding: utf-8
    @author:    mark
    @time:      2020/2/14 14:21
    @software:  PyCharm
    print("hello word")     #打印hello word
    price = 10   #初始化变量price
    rating = 4.9     #初始化变量rating
    name = "mark"   #初始化变量name
    is_published = False    #初始化变量is_published
    print(price)    #打印price
    name = input('what is your name? ')     #控制台输入值赋值给name
    favorite_color = input("what is your favorite color ? ")    #控制台输入值赋值给favorite_color
    print("Hi " + name + "your facorite_color  " + favorite_color)  #打印Hi name your facorite_color favorite_color
    birth_year = input("Birth year: ")  #控制台输入值赋值给birth_year
    print(type(birth_year))     #打印控制台输入值的类型
    age = 2020 - int(birth_year)    #根据控制台输入的值计算年龄
    print(type(age))    #打印年龄的类型
    print(age)  #打印年龄
    weight_lbs = input('Weight (lbs): ')    #控制台输入值赋值给weight_lbs
    weight_kg = float(weight_lbs) * 0.45    #weight_lbs 转换为公斤
    print(weight_kg)    #打印体重kg
    weight_kg = input('Weight (kg): ')  #控制台输入体重kg
    weight_lbs = float(weight_kg) / 0.45    #体重公斤转换为磅
    print(weight_lbs)   #打印体重 磅
    print(10 / 3)   #除法,带小数点
    print(10 // 3)  #取商
    print(10 % 3)   #取余
    print(10 ** 3)  #次方
    x = 10  #初始化X
    x += 3  #X自加3 X = X + 3
    print(x)    #打印X
    x -= 3  #X自减3 X = X - 3
    print(x)    #打印#
    x = 10 + 3 ** 3 ** 2 # 同理 x = 3 ** (3 ** 2)
    course = "Python's Course for Beginners "   #初始化字符串
    print(course)   #打印字符串
    print(course[0])    #打印字符串第一个字符
    print(course[0:3])  #打印字符串第一个到第四个字符
    print(course[1:])   #打印从第二个字符开始的整个字符串
    print(course[:5])   #打印开始的五个字符串
    print(course[-2])   #打印倒数第二个字符
    print(course[1:-1])     #打印第二个字符到倒数第二个字符
    first = 'John'  #初始化变量first
    last = 'Smith'  #初始化变量last
    message = first + ' [' + last + '] is a coder'  #字符串拼接
    print(message)  #打印拼接的字符串
    msg = f'{first} [{last}] is a coder'    #使用f字符串进行拼接字符串
    print(msg)  #打印拼接的字符串
    course = 'Python for Beginners'     #初始化字符串
    print(course.find('Beginners'))     #查找第一次出现Beginners时的脚标
    print(course.replace('Beginners', 'Absoulte Beginners'))    #Absoulte Beginners替换字符串中的Beginners
    print('Python' in course)   #查看Python是否在字符串中
    print(len(course))  #查看字符串的长度
    print(course.upper())   #字符串全部大写
    print(course.lower())       #字符串全部小写
    import math #引入math
    x = 2.9 #初始化X
    print(round(x))     #四舍五入
    print(abs(-x))      #绝对值
    print(math.ceil(x))     #向上取整
    print(math.floor(x))    #向下取整
    is_hot = True   #初始化is_hot
    is_cold = True  #初始化is_cold
    if is_hot :     #判断是否为真
        print("It's a hot day")     #打印It's a hot day
        print("Drink plenty of water")  #打印Drink plenty of water
    elif is_cold:   #判断是否为真
        print(" It's a cold day")   #打印It's a cold day
        print("Wear warm clothes")  #打印Wear warm clothes
    else:   #其他情况
        print("It's a lovely day")  #打印It's a lovely day
    print(" Enjoy your day")    #打印Enjoy your day
    price = 1000000     #初始化price
    has_good_credit = True  #初始化has_good_credit
    if has_good_credit:     #判断has_good_credit是否为真
        down_payment = 0.1 * price      #运算
    else:   #其他情况
        down_payment = 0.2 * price      #运算
    print(f"Down payment: ${down_payment}")    #打印 Down payment: $down_payment
    has_high_income = True  #初始化has_high_income
    has_good_credit = True  #初始化has_good_credit
    has_criminal_record = False #初始化has_criminal_record
    if has_good_credit and has_high_income: #has_good_credit和has_high_income是否同时为真
        print("has_good_credit and has_high_income Eligible for loan")  #打印has_good_credit and has_high_income Eligible for loan
    if has_good_credit or has_high_income:  #has_good_credit和has_high_income是否有一个为真
        print("has_good_credit or has_high_income Eligible for loan")   #打印has_good_credit or has_high_income Eligible for loan
    if has_good_credit and not has_criminal_record: #has_good_credit为真且has_criminal_record为假
        print("Eligible for loan")  #打印Eligible for loan
    temperature = 30    #初始化temperature
    if temperature > 30:    #temperature > 30是否为真
        print("It's a hot day") #打印It's a hot day
    else:   #其他
        print("It's not a hot day") #打印It's not a hot day
    name = "John smith" #初始化name
    if len(name) < 3:   #判断len(name) < 3是否为真 
        print("Name must be at least 3 characters.")    #打印
    elif len(name) > 50:    #判断len(name) > 50是否为真
        print("Name must be a maximum of 50 characters.")   #打印
    else:   #其他情况
        print("Name looks good!")   #打印
    weight = int(input('Weight: ')) #对控制台输入的值进行类型转换
    unit = input('(L)bs or (K)g: ') #控制台输入值赋值给unit
    if unit.upper() == "L": #unit.upper() == "L"是否为真
        converted = weight * 0.45   #运算
        print(f"You are {converted} kilos") #打印You are converted kilos
    else:   #其他情况
        converted = weight / 0.45   #运算
        print(f"You are {converted} kilos") #打印You are converted kilos
    i = 1   #初始化i
    while i <= 5:   #i <= 5是否为真
        print('*' * i)  #打印*
        i += 1  #自加
    print("Done")   #打印Done
    secret_number = 9   #初始化secret_number
    guess_count = 0     #初始化guess_count
    guess_limit = 3     #初始化guess_limit
    while guess_count < guess_limit:    #guess_count < guess_limit是否为真
        guess = int(input('Guess: '))   #控制台输入赋值给guess
        guess_count += 1    #自加
        if guess == secret_number:  #guess == secret_number是否为真
            print('You win!')   #打印You win!
            break   #跳出循环
    else:   #其他
         print('Sorry , you failed!')   #打印Sorry , you failed!
    command = "" #初始化command用以判断是否跳出循环
    started = False #初始化started,默认车是关闭状态,防止车被重复开启
    while command.lower() != "quit":    #判断是否可以跳出循环
        command = input("> ").lower()   #控制台输入值赋给command
        if command.lower() == "help":   #判断是否需要帮助
            print('start/stop/quit')    #输出帮助信息
        elif command.lower() == 'start':    #判断是否为开车信息
            if started:     #车是否已经开启
                print("car is already start")   #打印car is already start
            else:   #车没有开启
                started = True  #变更车的状态信息
                print('Start the car')  #打印Start the car
        elif command.lower() == 'stop':     #判断是否为停车信息
            if not started:     #车是否已经停
                print("car is already stopped")     #打印car is already stopped
            else:       #车没有停
                started = False     #变更车的状态信息
                print('stop the car ')      #打印stop the car 
        elif command == "quit":     #判断是否为退出信息
            break       #跳出循环
        else:       #其他情况
            print("don't understand")      # 打印don't understand
    prices = [10, 20, 30]   #初始化prices
    total = 0       #设定遍历的初始值
    for price in prices:   #遍历的条件 
        total += price      #自加
    print(f"Total:{total}") #输出遍历结果
    for x in range(4):  #设置循环条件
        for y in range(3):      #设置二级循环条件
            print(f'({x},{y})')     #输出结果
    numbers = [5, 3, 5, 3, 3]   #设置初始numbers
    for x_count in numbers:     #设置循环条件
        # print('X' * x)
        output = ''     #输出值初始设置
        for count in range(x_count):       #设置输出值循环条件
            output += 'X'   #输出特征设置
        print(output)   #打印输出
    names = ['John', 'Bob', 'Mosh', 'Sarah']    #设置初始列表names
    print(names)    #打印输出列表
    print(names[0])     #打印第一个元素
    print(names[2:])    #打印第三个到最后一个元素
    numbers = [3, 6, 2, 8, 4, 10]      #设置初始列表numbers
    max = numbers[0]       #设置最大值的初始值
    for number in numbers:  #设置循环条件
        if number > max:    #进行判断是否为最大值
            max = number    #赋值
    print(max)  #输出最大值
    matrix = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6],
        [7, 8, 9],
    ]       #初始化数组matrix
    print(matrix[0][2])     #打印输出数组中第一个元素中的第三个元素
    for row in matrix:      #设置循环列表中的第一层
        for low in row:     #设置循环列表中的第二层
            print(low)      #输出打印
    numbers = [5, 2, 1, 5, 7, 4]   #初始化列表 numbers
    print(numbers.sort())   #反向排序
    numbers.reverse()   #按照从大到小排列
    print(numbers)  #打印
    numbers.append(14)  #列表中加入新的值
    print(numbers)  #打印
    numbers.insert(2, 100)  #在列表的第三个位置加入100
    print(numbers)  #打印
    numbers.remove(2)   #去除列表中的2
    print(numbers)  #打印
    numbers2 = numbers.copy()   #赋值
    print(numbers2)     #打印
    numbers.pop()   #去除末尾的值
    print(numbers)  #打印
    print(numbers.index(1))     #列表中的第二个值
    print(numbers.count(5))    #列表中出现5的次数
    numbers.clear()     #清除列表
    print(numbers)      #打印
    numbers = [5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5, 23, 32]    #初始化列表numbers
    for number in numbers:      #设置循环条件
        if numbers.count(number) != 1:     # 查询是否在列表里唯一
            numbers.remove(number)      #移除重复的元素
        # numbers.append(number)        #
    print(numbers)      #打印没有重复值的列表
    uniques = []    #设置一个空列表
    for number in numbers:  #设置循环条件
        if number not in uniques:   #设置判断条件
            uniques.append(number)  #将符合条件的元素添加到空列表中
    print(uniques)  #打印新的列表
    customer = {
        "name": "John Smith",
        "age": 30,
        "is_verified": True
    }       #初始化字典customer
    customer["name"] = "Mark"   #更改对应key的value
    print(customer["name"])     #打印对应key的value
    print(customer["is_verified"])  #打印对应key的value
    print(customer.get("name")) #打印对应key的value
    digits_mapping = {
        "1": "One",
        "2": "Two",
        "3": "Three",
        "4": "Four",
        "5": "Five",
        "6": "Six",
        "7": "Seven",
        "8": "Eight",
        "9": "Nine",
    }   #初始化字典digits_mapping
    phone = input("Phone: ")    #控制台输入
    output = ''     #初始化输出
    for ch in phone:    #设置循环条件
        output += digits_mapping.get(ch, "!") + " "     #获取对应字典中的value
    print(output)   #打印


